Motivation and Reason

A small extract from the HCC 2012 Newsletter #1

…but who said people who paddle 111km down a river, overnight, are normal ??

Earlier this year, I set myself a few goals, one of them was that I would
again front up and enter the 2012 HCC –

You simply cannot just turn up and hope that you will be able to complete
an event such as this – it takes considerable commitment (not the sort
with men wearing white coats) and planning. What this means is that at
around 16:45 on Saturday the 27th October, I will set off from Windsor and
about 14-15 hours and 111km of paddling later arrive at Brooklyn.

The HCC is not just about a bunch of Kayakers having fun paddling 111km
down a river overnight, it also has a serious side to it as well. This
brings me to another of my goals I set – and that is to exceed the
Sponsorship that I raised last year.

I keep coming back again (and again) because paddling 111km IS a big
challenge. Not just the physical challenge – with a bit of effort almost
anyone could do this, it is also the mental challenge – it is far harder
to overcome the doubt. The 3rd aspect is doing something for others who
are less fortunate – and that is where the fundraising comes in.

My commitment is that having submitted and paid my entry fee is that I
will head over to Sydney and complete the event. My personal aim this
year is to complete the event in less than 14 1/2 hours. My commitment
does not end there, with travelling over to Sydney, it costs us well in
excess of $1K just to participate.

Last year, with your support and help I raised $684 as part of the total
(approx $125,000), this year, I am aiming for $750. If you cannot get out
and do this event yourself please get behind me, by either sponsoring me
directly or by referring others. If you would like to sponsor me please
go to – all
donations are tax deductible.  Even $10 or $20 will help me get to my

Thank you for supporting me in this my 3rd HCC.