Day 7


What a difference a day makes!

Starting out

I’ll leave it to the picture to explain!

Today, we started out from Wigley Flat, which is about 2km from where we got to yesterday, before turning back. As you can see, the conditions today were a return to stunning – with the temperature around 18 when we left and the wind about 10km/h.

Telegraph Cliffs

I knew that today we would be (finally) seeing one of my favourite parts of the river – Telegraph Cliffs  and I was not disappointed!

Devlin;s pound

Before we knew it, we were at Devlins Pound – a place that anyone who has done the RPM will know about – the start of Day 2 for the RPM 100.

Now, even though I have paddled this section, I could only remember a little bit about it and doing this section again today was different than I remember – much much nicer to tell the truth.


I suspect that Brad just might pinch this photo for his Facebook profile!

These cliffs went on for around 5 or 6 or 7 km – much further than I remember. today, the km just seemed to fly by and before we knew it, we were at Lowbank, where we stopped for a few minutes to stretch the legs.


Now the 12km from Lowbank into Waikerie is one that I have not many fond memories of! When paddling the RPM 200, you get to here and it is a mental barrier, that there is still 12km till the end of the day – and you sort of block out most of the details about this leg just wanting to get to Waikerie.

Well, today totally changed my mind about this area – it is every bit as good as many other parts of the river!

Maize Island

As we get to the end of Maize Island Conservation Park the river takes a turn and narrows – all I remember about this is that it is dark and cold! But today, with the sun still on the cliffs, it was really good!

And before we knew it, we could see our first hint we were getting closer – and 1 more bend, 1 more cliffs and we were at the Waikerie Ferry.

Waikerie Ferry

We stopped for a bite to eat and stretch the legs in the Riverside Park, where the RPM Day 2 ends.

The last leg for the day – the 20km down to lock 2 is an interesting bit of river – both Brad and myself have paddled this section but never ever seen anything!  Well, we have paddled the first 10-12km in the dark, and the last bit with the sun rising in our faces!

It has some really pretty sections – some more cliffs, bends, lowland and our first real sign of the River Shack (or palatial mansions in some cases)

Ramco Point

Ramco Point is about where we first start seeing a shape in the pre-dawn light and the indication that we turn right for the run down to the Lock.

Somehow this leg seemed longer than I remember, as after the run at Ramco, it is a fairly long almost straight as the Ramco cliff falls away, then we have a few km of small turns and a few smaller cliffs before we get to Lock 2

Lock 2

Inside the Lock, and we are dropping a further 3m today.

Exit lock2

It is always a special moment when the doors open and you see what is in store for the next leg.


Well for us, we did the last 2km down to our finishing point at the Qualco boat ramp – with a respectable 56km for the day, where we now only have about 360km to go!

3 thoughts on “Day 7

  1. Liesa’s dad lived at Ramco as child. That was 75 years ago.

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