Real-time Tracking

Before we get onto that, tune into ABC Regional Radio (Renmark SA) on 1062AM on Monday 29th (Feb) at around 10:30am, I will be having a talk about the trip.

A few years ago, a friend who was spending the day as land crew for another Marathon Paddler said:

Any Sport is Fun with Telemetry

Scott T

When we are out and about paddling down the Murray, both Brad any myself will be running SPOT satellite trackers.

Spot Tracker

What this means is that every 5 or 10 minutes, we will send a GPS “SPOT” to a satellite and that SPOT will appear on a web page – in near real time.  My SPOT subscription allows me to do 10 minute updates and Brad’s Subscription is configured for 5 Minute updates.

I have been using my SPOT while out on training Paddles on Westlakes and my public page can be found at Bob’s Border2Beach  The real-time data is available for 7 days.

Once we get going you can also Track Brad at his Page – Brad’s Border2Beach

As an extra, with the SPOT we can also configure real-time email alerts and that means when we are out and about, we can hit a button on the SPOT and it sends a short email to pre-configured email addresses along with a link to the page.

I have put together a mailing list – which you can subscribe to.  The list is a notification -only list – and subscribers will get an email whenever I push the OK button on my SPOT Tracker

Subscribe to the Border2Beach SPOT mailing list.

* Note, at the completion of our adventure, the mailing list will be deleted.

I will also have with me my APRS tracker and whenever there is coverage, simply check my Tracker page  for updates.  We will be running a portable Internet Gateway from the car, so we are likely to have at least some APRS coverage wherever we have Internet coverage from the cars.