The year that was.

It has been a while since updating so I thought it was time to re-cap 2013 and see how everything panned out.

Well, I started out with Several goals for the year – and some I hit, some I smashed and some, well, there is 2014!.

The first half of the year went quite well – and then things didn’t work out so well.  My favourite event -the HCC was  not so great this year for a lot of reasons.  My lead-up was pretty well a disaster – with a knee injury 13 weeks out that took out all of my training for 6 weeks.  Then, just as I started training again, being the victim of an un-provoked assault whilst on my way to work wiped out the mental preparation.

Yes, I did make it to the start-line, but only made it 31km down the River.  I was going reasonably close to my plan, but a combination of severe blisters and not really being mentally in the game put me out.  Then, with Car troubles costing a small fortune also put a damper on the Trip.  It was not a total waste, as I was able to see a couple of boat-builders and I hope that in the next month or so I will have a faster boat on order for this year.

The Christmas race was only 2 weeks after the HCC and I was in 2 minds as to even do it, but in the end, I got into the boat and did finish it.  It was not the greatest of conditions with the usual 20-40km/h headwinds for most of the 29km, I was just happy to have completed it – much slower than my previous year, in about 3H 53M or so.

I was hoping to have another crack at some of the MM, but it just didn’t work out this year and with their announcement of moving the race next year to be at the end of November, not sure if it is going to fit this year.

Lets see what 2014 will bring, but I hope that the Back2Back, RPM 200 and HCC are the minimum for me.  Almost time to set about putting my training schedule together for the rest of the year!