when you are under-done…

.. it is not the time to take any sort of break from your training.

Well, circumstances got in the way for a 2 week period right when I really needed to be out and getting the paddling miles in and it showed.   On Friday, after a “break” for 13 days, I did put in a 22km paddle with terrible times on Friday (26th) !  Just crept across the line @ 7.7km/h – not the best times in farily reasonable conditions – wind up to about 20km/h.

Anyway, it was only a minor setback – as back out again on Sunday (28th) and did about 13km at a slow pace with Kel, then backed it up with an 11.1km single lap around West Lakes and finished in a more respectable 1H22 M @ 8km/h

Now, all I need to do is to get in a solid, hard run later this week and be “ready” for the B2B.